
Our Values

Integrity, respect, and hope are core values that guide the work of PBJ Youth Foundation.

Integrity means that we are committed to transparency, honesty, and ethical behavior in all of our interactions with the youth and families we serve, our donors and partners, and each other. We believe that trust is essential to the success of our mission, and we strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity in everything we do.

Respect means that we value the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. We believe in treating everyone with kindness, compassion, and empathy, and we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where all youth and families feel valued and supported.
Hope means that we believe in the power of possibility and the potential for positive change. We are committed to inspiring young people to dream big, set goals, and work hard to achieve them. We believe that every child has the potential to succeed, and we are dedicated to providing the tools and resources they need to realize their full potential. Together, these values form the foundation of our work at PBJ Youth Foundation.
By upholding these values in everything we do, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of the youth and families we serve and help to create a brighter future for all.

Program One- Outdoor Camping and Activities

The great outdoors is a great source for learning leadership, conservation and a host of other valuable life skills. We host camps at local parks and outdoor recreation centers.

Program Two- Health and Well Being

We aim to ensure our youth are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to lead a healthy life both physically and mentally. We host events that teach our youth about healthy cooking.

Program Three- Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is a vital skill required no matter what stage of life you are in. We partner with local financial institutes to ensure our youth understand critical financial principles.

Program Four-The Arts

The impact of The Arts is a vital avenue to allow our youth to learn how to create and deliver messages using their authentic self. We partner with local theaters and other arts organization to ensure our youth have opportunities to experience The Arts.


PBJ Youth

We believe that every child deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their circumstances. Our programs focus on equipping young people with the tools they need to succeed in school, in their careers, and in life.
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14340 Torrey Chase Blvd STE 110 Houston, TX 77014
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